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Learn - Choose - Use

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With so many students to serve, resources to prepare, and additional duties to complete, there is hardly enough time in a day for reflection and professional development. The LEARN-CHOOSE USE (LCU) approach was developed for teachers, with teachers in the everyday trenches of the classroom. The LCU Approach is designed to efficiently introduce teachers to a wealth of teaching strategies, techniques and routines, empowering them to choose what is right for them and their classroom. 




Book Available for Download

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Learning From Mistakes

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Learn-Choose-Use Overview


Contextualizing Teaching and Learning

List of Class Routines

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Practical Questioning and Assessment

Strategies for Managing Behaviors

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LCU Strategies for Managing Behaviors Bu

Strategies to Motivate Students

Active Learning

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Teaching Mixed-Ability Classes

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Strategies to Promote

Multi-Lingual Learning

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